Blog response #3

Here is the link to my prezi that I completed for this blog! Hope you enjoy!


  1. Hey Callie,
    I really like how you listed the 3 main points of the TEDtalk. :) That was really helpful. I agree that learning is tied to meaning and as teachers we need to make sure we present the material using multiple senses, not just 3.

    This was a very good point, Callie! :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts from the TEDtalk is just a meaningful way. :)

    Have you started your field experience yet? I started today. :)


  2. Hi Callie,
    I liked the points that you drew from the Ted Talk, and I agree with them. I have never been a fan of learning styles, and had always told myself I would not focus on them in my future classroom.

    I also agree that teachers are not doing a disservice to their students simply because they are not using research based methods. Part of being a great teacher, is being flexible and acceptable to change, when change is necessary. If a particular method is not working for the majority of the class, it is time to rethink their teaching method, which may include stepping outside of research based methods.

    Lastly, I agree with your view on individualized vs. differentiated instruction. Teachers have a million tasks they juggle on a daily basis. Removing the burden of determining and labeling his/her student's learning styles is a weight off of their shoulders.

    Thank you for sharing your views on learning styles.


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