Module #4

Here is my PowerPoint that I created for Module 4.


  1. Hey Callie! I really liked your power point. I especially liked how you said, "Teachers are able to adjust their instruction based on the CBM scores." That is so true! Thank you for mentioning that.

    I also like how you said that the CBM scores could be used to determine if a student would need an IEP or any modifications. Good point!

    I really like your comment about how RtI provides each student with the instruction he/she needs to succeed. I think it is so important that we see each student as an individual and not expect them to process the concepts and material all the same way.

    I totally agree that one of the major downfalls with PBIS is that the students could become dependent on the reward system and never get to the point where they are self-motivated. I did like the example in our reading in regards to the students who had a problem being tardy. The one young lady said that after graduating the incentive program, she wanted to keep up her good track record of arriving to school and class on time. The fact that it has a "graduation" built into it, tells me that goals are set and are expected to be met.

    Great Power Point, Callie! I really learned a lot and I appreciate how you brought up some things that I didn't really focus on. Thank you!

  2. I enjoyed reading your PowerPoint. I love how you included both pros and cons. I agree with you 100% in regards to the assessing the students. Its great when we are able to have that information, but often times, assessing our students takes a lot of time out of our classroom instruction, which most likely would have helped them have a more clear understanding of the material. It's more assessing the issue and not addressing the issue. It is kind of said that the MTSS is using a Wait-to-Fail method instead of preventing the failure to begin with.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Callie,

    I did the same assessments and also had a hard time keeping up with the scoring. The use of a recorder while administering an assessment would be extremely useful and could prevent errors while scoring. I also agree with you on your pros and cons of MTSS. I think it can actually be detrimental to some students who need a more immediate intervention. Great input on both RTI and PBIS!


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