Module 5

Hello everyone! Here is my classroom layout; I would love to teach in a second grade classroom. I have observed in two classrooms that have different types of desks and the students are able to pick their seats with exceptions of course. These two classrooms seem to be well managed, so I would like to try something like this out in my future classroom.

In my future class, I like the idea of having the students come up with the rules for the class. The students will vote on which they want, and I will put them on a poster and hang them in the room. Here is what a possible classroom rules list for a second grade classroom could look like.

1.)Beginning the School Day
  • Steps:
    • Say hello to the teacher
    • Put backpacks away
    • Take chair down
    • Get notebook out
    • Turn in any homework
    • Morning work
    • Morning meeting

2.) Restrooms-Give the student a hall pass that they can take with them to the bathroom. If the pass is out, then the student will have to wait until the other student is back.
3.) Obtaining help- If a student is at their seat and needs help, have the student raise their hand. You can decide if you want to go to them or have them come to you at your desk.


  1. Hey Callie! I really like your classroom layout! Will you have a large carpet or something in front of the smart board? I have seen several teachers use tape on carpet like a grid so each student has their own spot. Have you observed this in any of your classrooms?

    Great idea to have the students come up with the rules and then vote on them. That is a great way to build a classroom community. I'm going to have to use that idea! :)

    I also have my students "greeting" me when they first come in. Great minds think alike! :) Why do you think this is an important first step?

    Great procedure to have students use a hall pass to go to the restroom. I think it would also remind me that a student is out should we have a fire or some other kind of emergency. :)

    Thanks, Callie! It was fun to get ideas from your post for my future classroom!

  2. Callie,

    I found your layout very cute! It's crazy how a lot of our classroom layouts have very similar aspects, but still remain so different. I like how you have a couple desk clusters for the students as well as large tables. I found this very interesting.

    I like your idea of having the students come up with their set of rules and they vote which to put on the poster. I like in the image how the students sign the poster like a contract or agreement. Very cute!

    I will keep that idea in mind for the future! Great Post!


  3. Hey Callie,

    Your classroom layout is so creative! I like you incorporated different desks. Allowing students an opportunity to pick their seat can help make the student comfortable therefore decreasing disruptions of students who are constantly up out of their seats. We had similar ideas for rules and procedures. I think it's very important to allow students to have input on classroom rules, with teacher guidance. After all, these are the rules that they will be required to follow at all times. Giving students the opportunity to help create these rules justify that they are fair and realistic expectations. Great job on your post! :)



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