Module 6-Motivation

How will I motivate my students? Here is a list of some ideas I have come up with.

  • Star of the week
  • Classroom jobs
  • Monthly rewards based on accomplishments
  • Field trips
  • Connect lessons to students' lives
  • Switch up lessons
    • Group work, projects (skits, oral presentations, poster, making a video), experiments, incorporating art. 
  • Make children feel comfortable and safe in the classroom
  • Set clear goals and expectations
  • Positive reinforcements
  • Show that I actually care for each individual student
  • Have students share stories 


  1. Hey Callie! :) Wow! That is quite a list you have going on there. :)

    My three top favorites are:
    1. Star of the week
    2. Group work, projects (skits, oral presentations, poster, making a video), experiments, incorporating art.
    3. Have students share stories

    I have jotted down a couple of your ideas! ;) Thanks! ;)

    ~ Ginnie

  2. Callie,
    I love your list. I like how you mention positive reinforcement. I mentioned something similar. I think as a teacher you want to stay away from negativity. I like how you have Star of the Week and monthly rewards. I think these are great things to use in the classroom as motivators.

  3. Hi Callie
    I also selected the Star of the Week for my classroom. I have a suggestion though, because you do have a star of the week, what if you incorporated your "share stories" into it? Have the student share a story about themselves or something that happened that they may think was interesting.

    And I am glad that you said caring for each individual students, often times, some students just get skimmed over if they are in that middle area. They aren't low-achievers, but aren't necessarily high-achievers. Showing those students that they are also important would definitely boost up their confidence and might just lead to them doing even better in the classroom because the don't feel neglected.

  4. Hi Callie,

    You included a lot of things that will make for great motivators in your future classroom! :) I like your idea of using classroom jobs as a motivator, you would be surprised how many students actually love having a job, it makes them feel in "control" of something and trusted to do their job. I also love your idea of a star of the week. This is a great motivator, because the students know there is something to look forward to and work towards every week.
    Great post!


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