Module 7

Here is my prezi that I made for this module.


  1. Hey Callie! The teacher in one of my previous semesters used the Class Dojo system. I agree with you that these systems are really public. The teacher who used this system would have kids come up to her computer and add point to or deduct points from their Dojo avatar in front of everyone. It not only took time from instruction, but it seemed to shame the students who had to deduct points. I didn't like it at all. I like how you said that you want your behavior system to be as low key and private as possible. I completely agree.

    This was a very good point. Thanks, Callie!

    ~ Ginnie

  2. Hi Callie! I completely agree with your standpoint on the Stoplight behavior system. I don't believe that it serves any purpose but to embarrass a child. The child is not explained with why they are having to move their clip, only to go and do so after a warning. I love Class Dojo, the teachers at the school I work at use it on a daily basis. However, teachers at my school are not allowed to take points away from students, it is only allowed to be used as a positive reinforcement. I agree with addressing behavior issues privately. Often times students act out for attention, if their behavior is addressed in front of the whole class, the student will typically continue to act out, but now due to embarrassment and attention from classmates.


  3. Callie,
    I enjoyed your Prezi! It is very cute.
    I love class dojo. Although my current teacher did not use it, I did observe this in a past field experience classroom. I also did not like the stop light behavior system. I think it makes the students feel negative and shameful. Positivity is the way to go. I also want to use more positive methods in my classroom as well. Great job!

  4. Thanks for your post Callie!
    I have also seen the Class Dojo in action and it seems to work very well. I like how you said that some students don't really understand what they did wrong or are given the opportunity to reflect on what they have done. I think I might incorporate that into my classroom.



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